

Hello everyone(^_-)-☆
How are you?? I'm very fine.

Before I go to part time job I must do Homework#2(@_@;)

1.Death and Funerals:
a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died? If not, then how would you express consolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?

I have international friends and host family.
I sent e-mail about this topic. But I didn't recieve yet.
So, I wait to return e-mail from them.


b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral.

No I haven't.
I never go to a foreign funeral.

2. The language of Clothes (preparation for next weeks topic)
a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?

I don't know this qestion. Because I'm not intersting label or brand.
In my oppinion, to wear is important, because it is embarrassing that don't wear.
It is just reason.
I'm sorry. I don't know fashon or clothes well.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?

It means that you shouldn't judge only appearance.
For example you shouldn't judge only appearance for pepole.
You never really know what's inside other people.

2 件のコメント:

seaman さんのコメント...

Hi, How are you?
If you get a mail from your friends or host family, plz write the content on your blog as you can possible^^ Im looking forward seeing it.

kotone さんのコメント...

to seaman
thank you for your comment(#^.^#)
of course I will write about my friends or host family friends comment on my blog.

thank you☆彡