
wedding homework

Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?What is your ideal wedding?

My ideal wedding is to hold in Hawaii and Guam!!!!!!!
Because, I love Hawaii and guam. I love sea.
I play surfing and wakeboard in summer.
So I love sea so much!!!!
I want to wedding with to see sea.

What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I will definitely wear white wedding dress!!
I will definitely go to Hawaii and Guam!!
I think wedding ceremony is important.
Because wedding ceremonoy is one time!! some people may hold wedding ceremony twice.
But almost people hold wedding ceremony one time.
So I think wedding ceremony is good memory.

!!!!!!!I want to wedding ceremony!!!!!!!!!

Superstitions Homework

We talked about many superstitions in many countries, but do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?
Is communication affected by superstitions?
Do you believe in Japanese superstitions?
If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

I think it is not important to talk about them.
Because It is different by each country.
And, there is not an opportunity to speak about the superstition with someone.

And , I don't believe in Japanese supersutition.
There are many superstitions in Japan.
For example, when we visit to the hospital, we don't bring container-grow plant.
This means prolong hospitalization.
It may be done the reality if I believe a superstition.
But, A superstition is persistently a superstition.


Supersutition is funny & interestion!!!!



Hello Everyone(^_-)-☆
Today, it is so cold isn't it.
It looks like snow!!!!!

Anyway... I do homework #4

The English language has many proverbs and sayings about time.
1. Time is money.
2.A stitch in time saves nine.
3.There's no time like the present.
4. Fashionable late.
Please explain what you think are the meanings of each of the 4 expressions.

1. Time is importnt like money, so you must not idle.
2. If you will bewareguard ahead of time, you will not fail.
3. Now is good chance!!
4. it means the fasion is too old and we have now a day's style.

of course, it is all my opinion!!!!
it's difficlt(@_@;)